
Being a Spiritual Seeker
in a Material World

Monthly Meetings 2025 with Ravi Ravindra

A searcher hankers for the Real.  Even though the spiritual journey of each person is unique, still a searcher is greatly helped by the wisdom of luminous teachers and the company and encouragement of fellow searchers.

-Ravi Ravindra

Course Details

We all would have probably wondered the following questions at some time in our life:

Is this Material World with all its technological advancements, emotional attractions, with promises and uncertainties about the future, a nurturing place for a spiritual seeker? Or are only mountains, solitude and quiet
a necessity for a serious pursuit?

Is it a place of continuous struggle for life, health, career, relationships, family, financial security and ageing related issues? Do these consume our total time and attention, leaving us no time for something subtler?

Is it at all possible that this material world, with all its frailties, seemingly run by the dualities of reward and punishment, win and loss, comfort and suffering, can actually be a mutually nurturing environment for our spiritual  journey? 

Ravindra’s work is significant for those who wish to explore the deeper aspects of existence. His approach is especially appealing to individuals who appreciate both empirical evidence and inner experiential knowledge.

He started by teaching physics in Canada. Midway in his career, he was convinced that science did not have all the answers to deeper questions and thus shifted to studying comparative religion and philosophy to gain a deeper understanding of these existential questions. Having learnt the scientific approach, he put the ideas in the scriptures to test by verifying them in his own experience.  He still considers himself a fellow seeker in the midst of his students, both new and old, whom he has been guiding for over 4 decades.

During  the last two years, Ravi Ravindra has been meeting with a group of seekers from across the globe, guiding them on several aspects of inner search in a global culture. These have been conducted over Zoom with the possibility every month to ask him questions, raise concerns and share insights. All the meetings are recorded and made available to the participants so they can review the exploration and the answers to specific questions.

In 2025, Ravindra is going to continue with the same overall theme ‘Being a spiritual seeker in a material world’. This year, each month he will choose a remark of one of the great sages, either from the olden times like the Christ or the Buddha or Krishna, or from modern times like Madame De Salzman or Jiddu Krishnamurti.  He will be focusing on one of the remarks made by them, and then  try to explore what we can learn from it. The remarks such as of Christ, ‘Unless you leave yourself behind, you cannot be a follower of mine’. Similarly, a remark of Jeanne De Salzman ‘Ego is a good servant, but a bad master’ or Krishnamurti saying, ‘As long as you are, love is not’.   These remarks can be very profound and complex to understand. This is why we need the company of fellow searchers to undertake such an interesting journey.


Meeting Topics

  1. Jan 26th: Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” ― Rumi
  2. Mar 2nd: Unless you leave yourself behind, you cannot be a follower of mine.” –Christ in Matthew 16:24
  3. Mar 23rd: Submitting all your actions to me, struggle without agitation.” -Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 3:30
  4. Apr 20th: As long as I am, love is not.” –J. Krishnamurti
  5. May 25th: Yoga is for cultivating samadhi and for weakening the hindrances.” –Patañjali in Yoga Sutras 2:2
  6. Jun 29th : Ego is a good servant but a bad master.”—Jeanne de Salzmann.


  • Enrollments are open now.  First meeting is on Jan 26th.  
  • You will be automatically charged each month after that.
  • You may opt out anytime.
  • Meetings shall be Online via Zoom


  • Meetings will be mostly on the last Sunday of each month.  
  • Exact day shall be announced well in advance
  • Start Time: 07:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM EST | 3:30 PM GMT | 09:00 PM IST

  • Duration: 2 hours. Guided Meditation, Exploration followed by Exchange
  • Zoom links shall be sent out a week ahead


  • You will have access to an online private community of all enrolled students
  • Participation is optional and voluntary
  • You are welcome to share your observations, ideas, insights & questions
  • Participants can also attend an online meeting to share ideas and discuss live


  • Subscription is on a monthly basis and a fee of USD 24 will be charged to your card.  
  • If for any reason a meeting does not happen, no one will be charged for that month.
  • If for some reason you could not attend you will be charged, and will get access to the recording within a few days
  • Recordings shall be available up to 3 months from the date of the Meeting
  • You can stop your subscription anytime

Subscribe Today

  • The fee for each meeting is USD 24, charged monthly.  
  • You may gift these meetings to someone for 6  months with a one time payment
  • If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you may click the appropriate button.

About Ravi Ravindra

Ravi Ravindra is a physicist, a professor and a spiritual searcher. He has a PHD in Physics  from the University of Toronto, and was a Post Doctorate fellow in Physics, in Philosophy and in  Comparative Religion. In his spiritual search Ravi was introduced to J. Krishnamurti, Madame de Salzmann, Zen Master Roshi Kabori, and underwent a deep immersion in the mystical teachings of the Indian and Christian classical traditions. He is the author of many books on religion, science, mysticism, and spirituality.   For more details, please look up www.ravindra.ca  

Our Approach


Engage with class videos at your own pace


Share insights and ask questions in our forums


Verify by working on explorations and writing a journal


Observe subtle shifts in the way you view life

Apply for scholarship